Lady Marmalade & Duke Ellington

I had the awesome privilege of seeing Patti LaBelle perform at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts for a fundraising event for the Duke Ellington School of the Arts. And let me tell you something... Mother Patti is surpasses every single thing you ever thought she was.

Patti LaBelle is phenomenal!

The students of Duke Ellington are absolutely amazing. The show opened with a beautiful spoken word piece performed by three ladies followed by a dance performance by accompanied by sounds from the show choir and school orchestra. It was really beautiful and inspiring to see so many bright and talented teens on the stage. That school does amazing work ...and now I feel like I need to re-start my piano lessons. I wanna be down.

She teased, she joked, she laughed, and she brought men on stage to sing and dance for her. She delicately sipped water from a straw placed in her wine glass. The top of her pristine white piano was carefully adorned with several pairs of Louboutins. She occasionally pulled out an antique silver mirror (also placed on the piano) to check her appearance every couple of songs. She smiled, danced, and dougied straight through every single song of her set, which included favorites such as "Right Kinda Lover", "If Only You Knew", and "Lady Marmalade". She ended her set by flinging her Manolos off her feet and into the crowd. At 68 years young, Patti LaBelle is a prime example of everything I need to be in the future. She is just everything.

It was a magical time at the Kennedy Center. I'm glad I could be a part of it all :)


  1. Say my name Patti Patti is a living legend. That green is everything, btw.

    1. her outfit was everything! and that face was beat to the Heavens. She is absolutely fabulous at 68.

  2. I am so jealous, Jane. Mother Patti is life and she cares what none of us think.

    1. She is, literally, my new standard for what I need to look like at 68. I need to start jogging in heels ASAP.
